Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Causes of chest pain

Cardiopulmonary arrest or circulatory arrest i.e. abrupt cessation of normal circulation of blood due to failure of heart to work effectively, this is also known as cardiac arrest. Technically Cardiac arrest is different from heart attack since in cardiac arrest the flow of blood is interrupted. In situation such as cardiac arrest the blood circulation stops the flow of oxygen in the body. CEREBRAL Hypoxia is referred to that term when there is dearth of oxygen to mind which causes unconsciousness and lack in breathing. There is a possibility of brain injury if cardiac arrest takes place in body for more than 5 minutes, treatment like hypothermia is seen as very beneficial. Chest pain is one of the most frightening symptoms a heart patient can have. It is sometimes difficult to recognize even for a doctor to tell what is causing chest pain and whether it is life-threatening. Causes of chest pain are as follows: Angina -Angina is a chest pain related to an imbalance between the oxygen demand of the heart and the amount of oxygen delivered via the blood to it. It is occurs due to blockage or narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. This is different from a heart attack in that the arteries are not completely blocked, and it causes little or no permanent damage to the heart. "Stable" angina occurs repetitively and predictably while exercising and goes away with rest. "Unstable" angina results in unusual and unpredictable pain not relieved totally by rest, or pain that actually occurs at rest. Pulmonary embolism -Pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in one of the major blood vessels that supplies the lungs. It is a potentially life-threatening cause of chest pain but is not associated with the heart. Cocaine-induced chest pain -It causes the blood vessels in the body to constrict. This can decrease the flow of blood to the heart, which causes chest pain. It also accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis, which is a risk factor for a heart attack. Costochondritis -This is an inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs. Pain is typically located in the mid-chest, with intermittently dull and sharp pain which may be increased with deep breaths, movement, and deep touch.

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